
Interactive Media:Web 501
OCAD Winter 2024

Interactive Media: Web Archive

Course Website

This is a website made by our course instructor Peter Ha. The site features all the projects, exercises and readings that were given to us in the span of a semester. There is also an archive of past students' works, which function as a resource for inspiration / help.


ChatGPT has been a great tool to detect bugs. I have directly inputted code snippets and asked what's wrong, or better ways to write a code. The AI has given corrected code and explained whats wrong in good detail.


Codcademy has a pretty detailed database and a fairly easy mavigation timestamps to locate where the answer I am looking for is. This is why it was a handy resource, especially early in the course.


My pinterest archive!

For visual design, I regularly checked my pinterest archive for any references. I have collected many visuals, belonging to many different sub-genres over the years. I find it easy to apply references from other disciplines to any visual design. I can always look up color palattes, shapes and textures to adapt and transform into different forms.

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